Sunday, May 20, 2012

Like Steven

I came home from a soccer game with Mitchell & Parker one day to find Preston (who didn't go to the game because he had Scouts) making cookies. He picked a recipe out of a ward cookbook that I had never used before - pretty much because it called for TWO cups of olive oil - What!?  The recipe?  2 cups of olive oil, 4 cups of sugar, 7 cups of flour, six eggs . . . you get the picture.  I was trying to remind myself to take a deep breath as I asked him why he didn't wait 15 minutes for me to get home to which he replied, "I just wanted to be like Steven - he makes good things for his family and everyone likes it!"  We had just been to their house and he had made snickerdoodles and being only 15 yrs. old, Preston thought that was something to imitate - which it is . . . with the right recipe!

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